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Girls Dancing at Street Party

Brand Purpose Unleashed:

Empowering People to Live their Values for a Better World

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A Personal Anecdote....

As her story ended, my mind wandered to the highlights of my own life: standing atop a tabletop mountain overlooking a pristine rainforest, dancing wildly at Space in Ibiza during the second summer of love, scoring a hattrick on a West London playing field, and discovering a glacial lake in Patagonia after a day’s trek with new friends from around the globe. What did these moments have in common? They were all instances of bliss, moments when I was living my life in harmony with my core values.

In the gym, I realized that my current priorities—achievement through effort, creative expression, and individual freedom—were perfectly aligned. Inspired by Angela Duckworth’s concept of "Grit," I embrace hard work and perseverance, understanding that real achievement often requires sustained effort over time. Grit drives me not only in my physical pursuits but also in my creative projects, reminding me that the combination of passion and persistence is key to success, making me feel alive. This personal story illustrates the profound impact of living by one’s values. Whether you call it self-actualization, optimized flow state, or simply living your best life, the essence remains the same: profound fulfillment.

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Last week, I found myself on an assault bike at the gym, my heart rate monitor registering a solid 92% effort. My new nose piercing—a symbol of my mid-life renaissance—was throbbing slightly as I listened to a close friend recount her recent trip to Costa Rica. Between gasps for breath, I heard tales of volcanoes, beaches, and yoga. I felt incredible.


A Mission: Deep and Practical

At One Minute to Midnight, we’ve dedicated ourselves to understanding human values deeply and meaningfully for many of the world’s leading brands. Through our research, we’ve discovered that living life according to one’s values resonates globally—from Shanghai to São Paulo, and New York to New Delhi.

Our data paints a vivid picture:

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People worldwide recognize the importance of living by their values. But there’s more. Our HeartBeat global values explorer has shown that those who feel aligned with their values are happier.

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This is a higher purpose with real meaning and power: fostering happiness by encouraging and empowering individuals to live by their values. Brands play a crucial role in this, and understanding the values of their audience is essential.

*Total 5202; UK 1079, USA 1086, IN 1000, BR 1000, CN 1028, DE 1010


The Brand Story:
It Might Change Your Life

We wondered if people truly apply this to their daily lives and brand choices. Our Heartbeat research revealed that they do. People genuinely love brands that align with their values.

In our global analysis across categories like tech, entertainment, social media, packaged goods, sports, financial services,

gaming, fashion, and alcohol, we found that individuals are three times more likely to express strong love for brands that resonate with their values. Brands aligned with personal values consistently rate higher on a 10-point scale, while non-aligned brands tend to fall in the mid-range.

Brand Love Score

Brands that align with people values

Brands that DO NOT align with values

Share of Brands with this score

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Some great examples that bring this to life...

Take Netflix, for instance. In markets where it aligns well with local values, brand love for Netflix significantly increases. In the UK, where alignment is strong, Netflix enjoys higher levels of brand affection.

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Nike’s story is equally insightful. While Nike enjoys high brand love and alignment in the US, it struggles to achieve the same connection in the UK. Our research shows that Americans prioritize achievement more than the British—38% versus 28%. Among those whose values align with Nike, this figure rises to 46%, but drops by half among those who reject Nike based on personal values.

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A recent Nike ad exemplifies how achievement is a core principle for the brand. However, could it be that some of Nike’s content misses the mark on the current cultural values in the UK? Perhaps addressing achievement differently could bridge this gap.

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Curious about how delving into human values can transform your brand into its most authentic self and achieve a state of optimized flow?

At One Minute to Midnight, we specialize in uncovering these profound insights that can elevate your brand to new heights. Imagine a brand that not only meets the needs of its audience but also resonates deeply with their core values, fostering genuine love and loyalty. Reach out to Paul or Krikor at One Minute to Midnight 

and discover how we can empower your brand to connect more meaningfully with your audience, drive greater happiness, and ultimately, achieve lasting success. Let’s embark on this journey together and see how aligning with human values can make your brand truly extraordinary.

Get in touch

We have offices in New York City and London, we work all over the world, and we’re growing all the time. Things are changing fast. Keep up to date on our Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.


325 Hudson St.
4th Floor

New York

NY 10013 

+1 (332) 201 5096


Runway East

24-28 Bloomsbury Way



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